The casting of leaves continues within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Starting a whole new era after Avengers: Endgame, the MCU is also preparing to say goodbye to its most entertaining cosmic team. After returning to the film, director James Gunn said at every turn that the third film was his dream finale. Gunn was even clearer this time around, announcing that the new film would be the last time the team would see each other.
“It’s going to be the last time people see this Guardians team.” Gunn said he didn’t really know what the Marvel Cinematic Universe would do in the future. But the biggest allegation that’s floating about this movie is that one of the main protagonists could die in the movie. Considering what Gamora went through during Infinity War, I’m passing him by, saying goodbye to a name like Star-Lord might not be the right move for the MCU commercially either. So if anyone’s going to die, I think it’s probably going to be one of the Drax or Rocket duo.
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Dave Bautista, who plays Drax, recently announced that he was aware that this was the last time he played the role. I might have been more upset about this news before I played Guardians of the Galaxy, but now we have a more fun GotG team. I’m sorry, James Gunn, but Eidos stole the throne of Montreal a little. The release date for the Guardians of the Great Galaxy finale is May 5, 2023.