Guardians of the Galaxy, developed by Eidos Montreal, was released by Square Enix in October 2021. Square Enix president Yosuke Matsuda said at the time that the game fell short of its exit sales targets, but they were pleased with the review scores and performance.
Now, despite its slow release, Guardians of the Galaxy is starting to find its audience. In particular, the fact that the game is offered for free to Game Pass subscribers via Xbox Game Pass has significantly increased the number of players.
“The important thing for me is to create the game. What I love right now is that people are playing the game and sharing their experiences, especially with Game Pass. We make games to touch people, to reach an audience. It’s great that Guardians of the Galaxy is finding its audience,” says story director Mary DeMarle.
Jean-Francois Dugas, the game’s creative director, said that “of course we want to sell trillions, but it’s not always that easy:) If they sold trillions, they wouldn’t be able to stand still anyway.
“But is the game fun? Like nothing you played this year or last year? Is it worth wasting your time? I think the answer to all these questions is yes. I have no regrets. We did everything we could, but that’s the reality of the gaming industry… Let’s not forget that this is a new IP. Although we say “Guardians of the Galaxy; we know”, ultimately this is a new IP in the video game market. There may be a lot of people who don’t even know if the game is out or what it looks like,” he said.
As a result, Guardians of the Galaxy is now an even more played, even more loved and talked about game. This is a positive development for the future.