The world of Speedrun is home to some very challenging achievements. Naturally, in this world, we often encounter cheaters who want to make money easily and make their name. But for these to evolve into news quality, they need to be an important figure in the community where the cheater is located.
One of these heartbreaking facts came from the world of Guitar Hero. As the star of Clone Hero, the pc port of the game,Schmooey left no unbroken record on stage. The successes of the publisher, who called himself the “Clone Hero god”, also upset the human interrogation mechanism.
Shmooey’s apology video
However, leading figures in the community have put him under investigation following inconsistencies in Schmooey’s posts. It turned out that the player who admitted to using cheating on the moderation team and these players in “several videos” cheated on almost all of his performances.
This has shaken the developing world of Clone Hero for years, as one of the biggest stars on the stage has now deleted all of his videos and taken to his corner. Let’s see what happens in the future of the community.