As some players have detected and shared on social media, the Halo Infinite Multiplayer mode is a complete internet enemy. In some cases, it consumes 1GB of data per game you enter, and 343 Interactive has acknowledged this on social media. They say the problem will be solved in August.
Halo Infinite consumes 1 GB of internet per match
If you’re thinking of playing Halo Infinite from your mobile data or limited tariffs, put your plans aside because you probably won’t be able to catch up with the internet for this game. The game, which consumes an average of 350-900 MB of internet per match, is criticized by players on social media.
Developer 343 says that this situation is being investigated and will be resolved by August. This issue, which was first shared by @NicmeistaR on Twitter, was supported by many players in a short time. However, in an official statement, the developer studio said, “The team is investigating reports that the game downloads extra data after multiplayer matches. “An improvement will be made to this issue with the Drop Pod update in August.”
Players say that Halo Infinite Multiplayer is unplayable for some players just for this reason. Let’s compare the internet that Halo Infinite uses with other games based on its minimum values. Let’s assume that Halo uses 300 MB of internet per game, and each game lasts about 30 minutes. It will use 600 MB of internet per hour.
Counter Strike: Globall Offensive consumes 250 MB of data per hour, while Destiny 2 uses 300 MB of data, increasing it a little more. For Battlefield V, this number is around 100 MB. Using 600 MB of data per hour, Halo Infinite Multiplayer is still at the top by far. This problem needs to be solved quickly before it is even postponed to August.
If you are wondering which game uses how many GB of internet, you can reach the detailed list from our related article by clicking here .