Aaron Linde, halo infinite’s chief story designer, announced his departure from 343 Industries on the last day of the year, but did not provide details about his new route. Linde’s new home was revealed in a new tweet, now an employee of Riot Games.
Linde began his statement by thanking 343 Industries and his teammates, saying halo infinite was the proudest achievement of his career.
Linde says she joined Riot R&D. Riot R&D (Research and Development) is the part of the studio that focuses on the early development stages of new games. Linde will once again take on the role of story writer in this studio, which manages the prototype and pre-production stages of the games.
Aaron Linde was a senior writer at Bungie, a story leader at ArenaNet; and a lead writer on Gearbox. Given that Riot is starting to come up with brand new games set in the League of Legends universe, it’s not hard to imagine Linde showing talent in such projects.