With the battle environment, we meet with a tactical structure and manage our army here is completely our business. We can see the army of different countries in the construction we can combine with inspirational structure from the World War and experience the battle on both sides. As we can fight in Europe or other continents, we can also play as the United States, England or Germany, while allowing us to observe the condition of two sides and learn how they have a structure, we can also encounter different sequence-based elements. According to the developers mentioned, there is a real tactical fighting system in the game. With this system, you can manage your army individually in any way, you can completely determine how you need to attack, you can pus such as you want to siper areas, edit various traps against enemies and perform more. Thus, each player can play their own strategy and plan by acquiring a different experience. This is a environment that offers diversity to players and also can be placed together with a liberty system.
Of course, in fast-paced construction, it is quite important. Because you can do what you want with the moves you do here, and each player can get a different experience because these moves vary by person. You can customize and customize this experience according to yourself. You can also identify events such as how your own hordes are in the case, using them to your own advantage. You can attack shelters, occupy houses, which you can earn tank duels, of course, the form-based tactical system comes into the forefront.