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The Hearthstone Battleground Pass system can attract the reaction of players. Blizzard announced that it will release the second season of Hearthstone Battlegrounds, one of the most popular Hearthstone modes, on August 30 with new mission mechanics and 2 new characters. However, the announcement came with a potential Battleground pass system and new in-game currency that players may not like.
Hearthstone Battleground Pass system gets huge response from players
Battlegrounds, the Hearthstone mode in the style of Auto-Chess, can be called the favorite mode of the players. Because with the new season, a new in-game currency will come for purchases to be made with real money in the game: Runestones. According to Blizzard’s statement, “major” products such as the Hearthstone Tavern Pass, Pre-Purchase packages and receiving multiple card packs at once will also be available for money.
The new Battleground Season Pass system will give players a pack of mostly cosmetics. However, he will get the right to get 2 extra heroes in the package. Normally, extra hero slots could be purchased with in-game gold. The number of characters that players who receive this pack can choose will increase from 2 to 4.
Blizzard promised that the characters would be balanced, but could not convince the players. Because Hearthstone’s Battleground mode is already known to be quite unstable. Ysera and Heistbaron Togwaggle hold their place at the top of the methane. According to a publisher’s account, players who can choose between two characters have a 62 percent chance of getting a “good” hero, while players with 4 hero slots have up to 86 percent.
Blizzard, which has attracted a great reaction with Diablo Immortal micropayments, seems to have a headache this time because of Hearthstone.