Henry Cavill has announced that he would be happy to star in a film set in the Red Dead Redemption universe. Cavill, who attended various television shows and film premieres following the release of the second season of The Witcher, has previously shared a “mysterious” Mass Effect 3.
Henry Cavill seems determined to be involved in all the adaptations of the fantasy universe.
Henry Cavill wants to be part of the Red Dead Redemption universe
Cavill, who is known to be an actor, is therefore even more notable for starring in The Witcher. Henry Cavill, a keen follower of the Warcraft and Warhammer universes, gently explained the difference between the Warcraft and Warhammer universes during a talk show in early December.
In an interview last week, Henry Cavill answered a question about what other video game adaptation he might want to play on Netflix:
“It’s a difficult question, because I’m going to have to involve both a brand and a company, and I don’t really want that. However, there are a lot of games I might want to play in the movie/series adaptation. Like Red Dead Redemption 2, which I recently started playing – I know I’m a little late to play – but I finally started and I’m enjoying it a lot. I think it would be a very enjoyable job to adapt such a play for the cinema.”
We’re looking forward to the first person to ask Henry Cavill, determined to appear in adaptations of all game universes, when he’ll play Max Payne.