Forbidden West, the sequel to 2017’s Horizon Zero Dawn, is just days away from hit the shelves. The game, which was being developed by Guerilla Games, was particularly admirable with its environmental details. The game, which will debut on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, was heralded as taking the power of the SSD behind it on the next generation of systems, throwing players straight into the adventure without the loading screen. The file size of the game, which will be released in our country with turkish subtitle support, was leakedafter it was uploaded to Sony servers. According to the leak, the Horizon Forbidden West file size will create a bulge in the PlayStation 5 owners’ library worth a few games.
How many GB is the Horizon Forbidden West file size?
Horizon Forbidden West will take up 85,913GB of space in the Americas and 96,350GB in Europe on playstation 5, according to a leak posted by PlayStation Game Size on Twitter. The file size difference in the European region is due to the greater number of supported languages and dubbing files. Update files are not included in these dimensions. In other words, Horizon Forbidden West looks like it’s going to fill a fifth of your 500GB PlayStation 5 consoles on its own. There is no information yet for the PlayStation 4 version of the game.
Horizon Forbidden West will be released for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on February 18. Digital purchasers of the game will be able to start preinstalling on February 11th.