Since it was officially unveiled that X-Men, which includes the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will be included, several actors have been named for the role of Wolverine. No doubt Hugh Jackman,one of fox-men’s most successful actors, would be nice to play Loganat the MCU this time. However, the successful actor has repeatedly announced that he is stepping down from the role and is officially retiring. Jackman, who has been frequently mentioned with Kevin Feige recently, has been very clear about Wolverine this time.
We know deadpool 3will officially be in the MCU, and on top of that, we’re going to see an 18+ movie for the first time in MCU history. It’s quite normal for Ryan Reynolds, who now has more budgets, to want Wolverine for the new film, but we’ll be watching Canada’s youngest mutant by another actor. Let’s see who our new Logan is when the day comes when the MCU gets an X-Men.