Hunt: Showdown has launched a new live event with awards for the community, celebrating three years since the game launched Early Access on Steam this month. The “As the Crow Flies” live event runs from March 24 to April 12. Developers are also moving the production forward with the addition of Hunt: Showdown new Boss.
Hunt: Showdown celebrates third year with new Boss and live streams
In the process, it gives players the chance to win Legendary Items and a new Legendary Hunter, and extra rewards as the event progresses. Anyone who enters at least once during the event will receive 1 Iron relic and a new Legendary Chain Gun, the Dark Miasma.
The new live event will be played in two acts. In act one, players will search for event-themed tips, smash bird skeletons, and earn Event Points by defeating bosses to unlock the brand new boss Scrapbeak. Which will trigger the second act of the event.
In the second act, players’ Event Points will be credited to their personal development to unlock special event-related equipment. Players will still be able to play when they reach their daily Event Points limit, but will be rewarded with Hunter XP for the rest of the day instead of receiving Event Points.
During the event, there will also be help for the player to increase their points and give valuable Hunter items to others in the match. It should be noted that these gifts will only be available during the event. Players will also be able to buy many items at the event store.
“We would like to thank everyone who joined us on the Hunt: Showdown journey with the new Free Legendary Chain Gun and an Iron Reliquary for participating in this event, having the chance to unlock new Legendary Items and a new Legendary Hunter,” Loïc Raimond said. The team has prepared something special to celebrate Hunt’s third year and we look forward to seeing the community work together.”
Crysis’ game Hunt: Showdown is available for purchase on PC,PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. If you’re thinking of starting the game, Hunt: Showdown new Boss can be a driving force for you.