About a year ago, Disney announced that its third Tron film was on its way. In fact, officials said at the time that they had a scenario. However, in the intervening period, there was no concrete information from the film. Fortunately, jared leto , one of the stars of the film, put an end to this silence and noted that things are getting back on track. Preparations for the third Tron 3, which we have high hopes for, especially in the music part of the business, continue confidently, if not at the final speed.
“I’m a huge fan of Tron. I can tell you that we’re working hard for Tron with our amazing partners at Disney. We’ve got a great creative team. We’re getting closer and closer, and who knows? Maybe something will come up sooner than you think.” Jared Leto officially confirmed that things are progressing pretty well behind the scenes, even though it’s not on the agenda. Of course, the director of the film hasn’t even been officially announced yet, but the disintegrate of Daft Punk may be the saddest development in the film.
Under normal circumstances, Disney wanted to convince Daft Punk to make the soundtrack to the third Tron movie. But now we don’t have Daft or Punk… Joseph Kosinski, who also directed the previous Tron film Legacy, is likely not to return. Instead, we’ll probably see Garth Davis, who also directed Lion; at the beginning of the film. Let’s see if Tron 3, which will be a new experience in every sense, can claim the brand’s legacy.