Aquaman,which alone prevented a major break in the name of the DC Cinematic Universe, managed to take the DC/WB partnership on a new path by facing waves at the box office as well as within the DC Universe. The fact that the first film crossed the $1 billion threshold has drawn a new roadmap for solo character films for the partnership. Now there are sequels to these characters on the horizon. Although Wonder Woman’s second film was very disappointing in 1984, there is good news coming from Aquaman 2. The film’s star, Jason Momoa, said in a recent statement that he was also involved in the script for the sequel.
“I really liked the film and got involved in the writing part of the work. Then we did the first design, and james wan and our original screenwriter, David Leslie Johnson-McGoldrick, finished the story. I’m sure we’re all heartbroken. It was really exciting to be 100% supported by your director and screenwriters rather than writing a simple script. I’m very happy to go to this part of the business.” Momoa also officially announced the completion of the script. We don’t yet know how the film, which is still in preparation, will affect DCEU.
The controversial Amber Heard(pictured) will also play Black Manta, played by Yahya Abdul-Mateen II,in the sequel to “Pasture.” The planned release date for Aquaman 2, which we have learned in previous news that there will be a little more horror film-like film in DCEU, is December 16, 2022.