The newest game of the Middle Age theme open world action role making series Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is waiting for. After the success of the first game, the slat is slightly more burdened, and both fans and new future players are asked to be satisfied. Now there are more than 2 million words in the game according to a new information that arises.
Kingdom Come: Deliverance has 2 gigantic scenarios
Warhorse Studios. This post contains YouTuber ESO_Danny alongside a huge paper stack. Kingdom Come of these paper stacks: Deliverance is transferred to all the scenario. According to the published post, the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance’s scenario is 800.000 words and has 1.7 million words.
After this post, the studio officially announced that the game is more than 2.2 million words in the scenario. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 comes to PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S on 4 February.
actually, it’s over 2.2 million words in <a href="https://twitter. com/hashtag/KCD2?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc5 #KCD2 Danny:)