<img="http://img="http://img.bolumsonucanavari.com/imagesucanavari.com/images/images/images/images/images/images/images/images KRAFTON also expanded investments to developers to secure future growth engines. In 2023, the ‘Scale Up the Creative’ strategy, KRAFTON, the developers and the capital investments made to the second-party publisher. The last year, the total 10 investment was carried out, if this year the process was further speeded, and it is aimed to realize nine investments in the first half of the 2024.

The beta test of ‘Dark and Darker Mobile, which is also the most important game in 2024. The first beta test took place in April for more than 50,000 participants in Korea.While KRAFTON plans to increase the quality of the game with the user feedback obtained during the beta test period, it is also preparing for the global launch through the progressive marketing expansion in the second half of this year.

press release



Mariana Oliveira
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Associate Editor

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