The Horizon series offered to players by Sony aims to come across with different constructions. This goal is reported that the online multiplayer role-making project is canceled in the background development phase.
Online constructions are single cancelled
Again, the broadcaster NCSoft cancelled three projects with code names H, J and Pantera. It is known that Project H has been a MMORPG based on Sony’s Horizon series for some time if there are many information about projects in the news.
According to the report, the development of Project H was stopped at the moment and previously the developers connected to the project left NCSoft. Following the cancellation, the developers who do not leave have been reported to shift to different projects within the company.
Sony and NCSoft on the other hand signed a strategic partnership in 2023 to create a MMORPG based on the Horizon series. He used the SIE boss Jim Ryan “founding partnership withNCSoft, making it easier for us to bring the access of the PlayStation to a wider audience”.
Last week, Sony’s two different live service games with a multiplayer God of War project.