Lost Ark, which came to the West servers, set a new record for instant players. Originally made in Korea and open in the Asian market for years, Lost Ark saw 1,325,305 players instantly yesterday as it arrived in the Western market.
Lost Ark instant player count sets Steam record
Lost Ark topped Steam’s top 100 most played games yesterday. Lost Ark’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive saw 959,550 players and DOTA 2 saw 722,671 players. On the night lost ark’s western servers opened, the Steam servers almost crashed and the game was not entered for a while. Lost Ark also surpassed the record for Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077 saw 1,50,000 players instantly.
Despite Lost Ark’s record, steam is unlikely to reach the record for the largest number of instant players. PUBG set a record for hard-to-keep up in 2018, when it was most popular, seeing 3,257,000 instant players.
Lost Ark is also very popular with Turkish players. Turkish players also shared the excitement of the first night of the game.