The Marvel Cinematic Universe continues with long-term plans led by big boss Kevin Feige. Most of the MCU movies and series we’ve seen so far have been part of the big picture. We will make a journey into the universe’s past with the Eternals team, who will be involved in phase four for the first time. Eternals, whose cast includes salma hayek and angelina jolie, has been filmed and is awaiting its release date. Marvel, however, is not done with the team yet. According to reports, preparations have begun for the second Eternals film.
Eternals 2 was just one of over 20 projects on the MCU’s calendar for the post-2023 film. We’ll even see Avengers 5at the same time. Movie critic John Campea recently said avengers 5 and Eternals 2 were not announced for the same reason and that we should be ready for much bigger things after 2023.
Captain Marvel is considering Captain Marvelas the studio leader, who will also assemble a new Avengers team in the new era. Benedict Cumberbatch(played by Doctor Strange) will also play a key role in the next generation of MCU. Marvel, which also shares captain america and Iron man,will feature more characters from the Eternals team in this next generation of MCU.