While the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues its path with series, various works for movies continue in the background. Finally, with the final series, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, we witnessed the trajectory of Captain America’slegacy. But things aren’t going exactly as we thought. According to the bombshell news, the studio has begun preparations for Captain America 4. Even the script for the film is being written. The series stars Malcom Spellman and Dalan Musson as the fourth Cap. They started writing the script for your movie.
Deadline reports that negotiations have begun with Chris Evans to reprise his role as Steve Rogers, which is close to an end. But there is an unknown. The Captain America project, which Chris Evans will return to, and the fourth Captain America film may be separate. So it’s quite possible that we’ll be watching two different Captain Americas in the future of the MCU. This is no stranger to following comic books. Because there, too, Steve Rogers began to act as an agent after dropping the shield and continued to be in the universe for a while with different Caplers around.
Another aspect of the job is cap’s involvement in the sequel to the current Falcon & Winter Soldier series, which, along with a kind of mentor role, can enrich the story. Already, with the show’s finale, the foundations of a new villain in the universe had been laid. It’s very exciting that at some point this story is going to touch Steve Rogers. We’re looking forward to new details about Captain America 4, which is very new news right now, and the possibility of Steve Rogers” return story.