The Marvel Cinematic Universe has begun a full-throttle journey into the vast cosmic universe. The MCU, which was formed especially after Avengers: Endgame, seems certain to take a new course in space. The fact that Guardians of the Galaxy is retiring for at least a while after its third film has prompted Kevin Feige to find new astronauts. According to the latest information, Marvel Studios is preparing a new space-themed series for Disney+ .
According to the document, titled “The Untitled Marvel Space Project,” naturally, a space series produced by Kevin Feige will come. What this project is about is a mystery right now. However, there were rumors of a Gamora series recently. Of course, With Kamala Khan joining the MCU, The Marvels (Captain Marvel 2) is another film with plenty of space themes. It could be a space series about The Marvels. My best hope is that Nova will somehow get into the MCU. Together with my beloved Aquarius Head, we can watch a number of fun and action-packed stories in the cosmic parts of the universe. Especially if the Nova Corps gets involved, it’s going to be full-blown and watchful.
The Long-announced Fantastic Four, directed by Jon Watts, is also set to enter the MCU. Like no wedding without a camber, you can’t have an F4 without Galactus and Silver Surfer, and maybe silver surfer’s MCU entry can be via Disney+. Just like Marvel’s cosmic universe, a sea of possibilities extending into eternity may follow with an animated series for children… Let’s see what Kevin Feige’s next surprise is.