It was a touchstone for the Marvel Cinematic Universe yesterday. With the first episode of What If, Marvel Studios debuted an animation. After the first season, which will consist of nine episodes, a nine-episode sequel is also on the way. Marvel Studios, which loves this new animation business, will continue to produce new animated content in accordance with Disney’sgeneral policy. What If producer Brad Winderbabum signaled the new era.
“Thanks to animations, we realized that we could tell quite cool adventures. But what we’re going to do is we’re going to tell you what needs to be explained animatedly. So we’re not going to make a movie and then turn it into an animation. ” winderbaum also clarified the studio’s perspective on animated productions. Reminding that What If doesn’t have a huge budget, the producer said the biggest fear of the whole team is that the show may not be understood.
Interestingly, the What If series has been eagerly awaited for quite some time, especially for fans who love comic books. Fearing the show won’t be understood suggests the MCU doesn’t bring comic book fans to mind. However, as long as cinematic universes exist around the world, comics have become a little more “complementary” or extra content. However, the feeling of happiness when we successfully watch the stories we know the essence of on screen is also quite nice.