The DC Cinematic Universe is preparing to enter a new era. The studio, which was preparing to make a medium-hard reset with The Flash, also returned to the old names along the way. Michael Keaton, who played the Cloaked Cavalry in Tim Burton’s Batman, is also returning to the role after a long hiatus. According to recent reports, Keaton’s costumes inside the DCEU have been leaked. Batgirl, which is expected to be released later this year, will play a key role in the story, along with the Keaton-style Batman-after-The Flash, which is set to air later this year.
The images allegedly leaked from the Batgirl film’s costume test bear a resemblance to the costume released in 1989. The classic yellow background front at the time, the Batman logo, was preserved just like that. The slightly more modernized costume, as you can imagine, has brought controversy. Personally, if this is going to be the costume, I don’t have much of a problem, but maybe there are fans who want to get away from Burton completely. Speaking to The Jess Cagle Show recently, Keaton said she was excited to be back. Batgirl has no release date, but The Flash will be released on June 23, 2023.