Microsoft has announced June 15, 2022 as the last day of Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge program manager Sean Lyndersay announced that Internet Explorer 11 will retire after that date and will no longer be supported.
In fact, Microsoft hasn’t supported Internet Explorer 11 for a long time, and more and more sites (YouTube, Twitter first come to mind) are directing you to other browsers and Edge at first by saying “please use a supported browser” when they open with Internet Explorer. Finally, Gmail stopped supporting Standard view in Internet Explorer, forcing users to design Basic.
Frankly, it’s “coercion” to me; It seemed so strange because it was irrational for Gmail, which has been running like a snout for years, to suddenly say, “We don’t support Internet Explorer; if you keep using it, you can only use that ugly old version of Gmail.” In fact, when you entered the IE11;in console and replaced the browser signature with Safari or Chrome, all these sites continued to open without problems. This meant that microsoft was involved and was trying to get users to Edge.
Internet Explorer was a browser that I liked, even though it was the subject of many internet memes:)
Cover Illustration: Gwen Sung