Elden Ring director Hidetaka Miyazaki said in an interview with Edge Magazine that the graphics team is under more pressure than usual because of the PlayStation 5 version of Demon’s Souls. When Miyazaki was asked if the remake version of Demon’s Souls had affected Elden Ring’s development, he replied: “Yes, it does. In fact, I’m sure our graphics development team feels this pressure more than anyone else. Because it’s a really serious job to give the players the desired visuals and to achieve the authenticity.”
The PS5 version of Demon’s Souls was praised during its release. Therefore, the expectations of the players have increased considerably. Miyazaki said the team is under pressure for this reason. The authenticity of the graphics is not something we have prioritized. What is mainly on the graphics side depends on the game’s own systems and requirements. Our graphics team is working really hard. That’s why you shouldn’t eat your rights.”
Finally, Miyazaki stated that he did not play the PS5 version of Demon’s Souls because he did not like to revisit the production they developed.