The Marvel Cinematic Universe will soon host another character. Kamala Khan,who began to gain great acclaim after her emergence in 2013, also had her own comic book series as Ms. Marvel in 2014. With the fourth phase of the MCU, he will begin a new adventure. Kamala, who we will first get to know with a Disney+ series of her own, will later become a key figure in Captain Marvel 2: The Marvels.
After filming was completed in Thailand, the editing part of the series was switched. After filming in Georgia and moving to Thailand a little late due to COVID-19, we now know that the show will be released for sure later this year. Kamala’s origin story within the MCU, which gained its strengths thanks to the Terrigen cloud in comics, is also a matter of curiosity. Because if the Terrigen gets involved, there’ll be a green light for mutants somehow. Iman Vellani; Ms. Marvel;