The Netflix film Kate, released on September 10, tells the story of an assassin who has 24 hours to live. While Kate was trying to find an antidote to the poison in her body, she continued to struggle with the Tokyo underworld.
With an IMDB score of 6.3, this film will also appear as a video game next month.
Kate: Collateral Damage, developed by Ludic Studios, is a roguelike with pixel graphics. Just like in the movie, kate’s trying to find an antidote to the radioactive Polonium 204 in her body, and her time is running out. The way to slow the flow of time is to kill enemies. If you can’t kill anyone for a long time, time is running out and you’re dying. It’s going to be a good game for roguelike lovers, and you don’t have to watch the movie.
Kate: Collateral Damage will be released on October 23.