Even before the war on streaming services escalated, advertising was one of the most important revenue items of the entertainment industry. Especially watching endless advertisements between every content on television screens was obsessed with the viewers after a certain point, and the freedom to watch content in the form of hungry finish on broadcasting services was very delicious. Of course, inevitably the ads also got their hands on the streaming services. The only way to escape from advertising services, which catch streaming services at their weakest time like a virus, is to pay much more.
Facing a serious loss of users, Netflix will soon switch to an ad-run user plan. This plan, which will be implemented in the first period of next year, will offer lower fees, but in return it will compensate for this price with advertising. According to the details that developer Steve Moser discovered and first shared with Bloomberg, important details about this new advertising service were hidden in Netflix’s iPhone application. Downloading TV shows and movies to watch Netflix content in places where there is no internet was quite a useful feature. The ad-free package will disable this download feature entirely.
As a matter of fact, it makes some sense not to download content in an advertising service because all these advertising services work with a special algorithm using your internet history. In other words, the ads that will be embedded in the series or movies may become obsolete after a while, which is a problem that the advertising virus will never want to face. The download block is not the only detail leaking from Netflix’s application. All advertisements on the service will appear impenetrably. For example, if you see a 3-minute shoe ad while watching Stranger Things , you will not be able to pass it, which is a nightmare for the user.
Ad-driven user plans aren’t just for Netflix, either. We know that Disney + will implement an advertising membership system in the future. Likewise, HBO Max’s budget-friendly membership plan also disables the download option. As I said, the only way to access content without watching ads will be to give much more money. Netflix has previously announced a partnership with Microsoft Corp. for advertising deals. Is this advertising system the only way out for Netflix, which lost 1.3 million users in the US and Canada alone last period? It is debatable, but it is a fact that no matter how much we escape, a life without advertising is no longer possible.
It seems that very soon, premium membership systems will be extra increased and the vast majority of users will be forced to choose packages with advertisements. The advertising problem that South Park touched on magnificently at the time has now come to life in a similar way. It’s time to start suspecting if there is actually someone among the friends who is actually advertising.