Home A development that excites sweat fans was leaking before the official announcement of a new game called “Terminator 2D: No Fate“. According to the information revealed in the Australian Classification Board, the game is developed for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC platforms. Terminator, published in the game, 2019, and winning players’ taste: Resistance is thought to be a continuation.
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No Fate>
Home The new game is specified by Reef Entertainment, the same developer with Terminator: Resistance. Resistance offered players a immersive FPS experience in the Ter universe and successfully prepared the floor to the series. However, “2D” shows that No Fate can have a completely different game style. This brings the chance that the game can have a platform or a side slide structure.
Home Although the picture details of the game have not yet been shared, the information contained in leaks is true project of No Fate. Since the Reyting board leaks are generally verified, the official announcement is expected to be made in 2025.
Home Terminator fans can look forward to getting more information about No Fate. Specifically After the success of Resistance, fans of the series hope that the new game will meet expectations in terms of both story and play. Also, the name “No Fate” is sending directly to the message “there is no string” which is one of the iconic themes of the series.
Reef Entertainment knows when to explain the project, it is certain that this new game will be met with a great interest by the fan audience. 2025 year may be an exciting period for Ter universe.