New footage has emerged for the recently cancelled Marvel-themed MMO (online multiplayer) game. Among the images published by Ramiro Galan, who works as the chief designer on the project, is the character selection screen and team selection part of the game.
The images show a created player character. In addition, the player is asked to join a team. These teams include the X-Men, Avengers, SHIELD and Fantastic Four. Players are then asked to customize their character by choosing a costume that affects the stats.
The cancellation of the MMO game was officially announced by parent company EG7 last week. The stage of the game was not disclosed. The EG7 team confirmed that it is working on a Marvel MMO in a presentation in November 2021.
These 3 pieces of concept art were shared online in 2019 and give a small glimpse into Daybreak’s earlier, ill-fated attempt at a AAA Marvel MMO. The project’s cancellation came alongside sweeping layoffs that plagued the studio before its restructuring early last year.
— Miller (@mmmmmmmmiller) November 27, 2021