New information about Dead Space Remake will be announced with a YouTube post this Friday. The game’s producer, Motive, had previously shared new details about Dead Space Remake and then fell silent. In a short trailer shared by the production company, the broadcast is expected to be based on sound design, one of the game’s strengths.
Dead Space Remake will resurfacing this Friday
Dead Space Remake was announced last year and hinted that its release was not imminent. Motive previously published images that could be called prototypes because they were at a very early stage in the development of the game. The game’s release date is still unclear, but the first images from the game may come in friday’s broadcast.
With the emphasis on “did you hear” in Motivat’s message and the sound highlighted in the trailer, there are those who expect the broadcast to be about sound design, one of dead space’s strengths. He said this remake of Dead Space would not be done entirely faithfully to the original game, but would have differences. As an example, they stated that installation screens would be removed thanks to SSD technology. In addition, the game engine will be completely replaced and the Frostbite engine, which EA integrates into all its games, will be used.