The Nintendo Direct live streaming event, which is expected to take place next week, will reportedly focus on third-party games.
Last Friday, Nacho Requena, editor and veteran journalist of the Spanish gaming magazine Manual, told viewers during a Twitch broadcast that new announcements would be made from major streamers. “There will be a Nintendo Direct event next Tuesday. This event will mainly focus on third-party games.”
Requena added: “While I don’t know which plays will be featured at the event, I can tell you that Persona games will be available to viewers. I can also state that a game that has been available on other platforms for a while (4 years) will also be shown.”
The game, which has been available on other platforms for a while, will reportedly be Red Dead Redemption 2, which Rockstar released in 2018. It is suggested that the game may come to Switch consoles.