Another headset has been added to Quantum, JBL’s series that players can’t give up. The new design Quantum 610 has taken its place in our lives with the comfort of advanced wireless headphones. The JBL Quantum 610 provides comfortable use for long-term use with its ergonomic structure, offering an uninterrupted gaming experience with up to 40 hours of battery life.
JBL, one of the first brands that comes to mind in the field of headphones and speakers, has launched the Quantum 610, which is comfortable and adapts comfortably to the ear structure. The JBL Quantum 610 delivers a unique audio experience for gamers and has 40 hours of battery life. Featuring 2.4GHz wireless capability, the JBL Quantum 610 invites you into a world of sound specifically designed for gaming, with 50 mm drives powered by JBL QuantumSOUND SIGNATURE. The headset is fully charged in three hours and can also be charged while gaming with a USB Type-C. This allows players to freely immers themselves in the most realistic sound environment.
The JBL QuantumENGINE features a larger, more realistic spatial sound field, and the JBL Quantum 610 makes a difference with its microphone’s mute, foldable/adjustable, speech-oriented and automatic on/off capabilities. The headset offers a comfortable gaming opportunity to users with its light and comfortable structure and offers spatial freedom to gamers with its innovative wireless feature. The headset selects the preferred surround sound settings, personalizes them from the user-friendly control panel, and create separate profiles and RGB effects.
The Discord-certified gaming chat balance dial allows instant adjustment of volume levels, and separate sound cards in the headset process game and chat audio, allowing the appropriate balance to be adjusted without having to leave the game. At the same time, the headset provides seamless dialogue on platforms such as Skype, Twitch and TeamSpeak.
Gamers can get the JBL Quantum 610 from leading tech stores and online outlets.