Team Ninja released by Ninja Gaiden 2 Black was the focus of discussions due to missing content while creating excitement among the fans of the series. Remake, expected to combine contents in the original game and Sigma version, criticizes due to the removal of important features. The lack of content such as missing costumes, game modes and New Game Plus has been disappointed especially the audience for a long time.
Ninja Gaiden 2 missing Contents The Response of Fans
After the release of
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, fans brought missing content on social media. Users criticized playing modes such as Mission Mode, Survival Mode, Ninja Race and Tests of Valor. Also, many costumes, known as Sigma and Sigma Plus versions, are not at remake.
Home In particular, the lack of New Game Plus feature was a big disappointment for fans. This feature had the opportunity to replay with existing equipment and capabilities after completing the game. Fans hope that these missing contents are added in the future with an update.
Home The user named “RoytaMustDie”, one of the fans, attracted attention to this situation by sharing a list of missing content in social media. In sharing, the information that Biometal costume is included in the files of the game, but not used. This situation brings some content into the game in the next process of Team Ninja. However, the developer did not have any official explanation on this matter.
Home Although Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has been criticized because of its missing content, remake has received positive reactions in general. The release of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, where the new games of the series were announced and the fans were expected for a long time.
Home However, the completion of missing content is important in terms of the value of both quality and fans of the game. Ninja Gaiden 2 Black is expected to complement and complete missing content with future updates. Fans are waiting for a step from Team Ninja.