A player named Hayete Bahadori has achieved a very difficult feat by finishing all 12 main series games of Assassin;s Creed at the most difficult difficulty level without being damaged even once.
The 12 games in the main series are as follows:
- Assassin;s Creed
- Assassin;s Creed II
- Assassin;s Creed: Brotherhood
- Assassin;s Creed: Revelations
- Assassin;s Creed III
- Assassin;s Creed IV: Black Flag
- Assassin;s Creed: Rogue
- Assassin;s Creed: Unity
- Assassin;s Creed: Syndicate
- Assassin;s Creed: Origins
- Assassin;s Creed: Odyssey
- Assassin;s Creed: Valhalla
Bahadori shared all these tours on his YouTube channel, starting with the first Assassin;s Creed game. Complemented by Assassin;s Creed Valhalla, this series is truly a work of great perseverance.
Bahadori is doing similarly no-damage rounds for some other games (Batman: Arkham Knight, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, etc.), but the Assassin;s Creed series is at a higher level in this respect. He was now working on finishing God of War at the most difficult level without damage.
You can watch Bahadori’s Valhalla post below, and the rest is already on his own channel.