Blizzard has revealed his knowledge of this year’s Overwatch Summer Olympics. In addition to the new awards you can win, the most popular cosmetics of the past years will be available from 4 August until 26 August That way, the winners will have a double chance.
New game mode – Lucioball Remix
- This is a faster, more chaotic and multi-ball version of Lucioball.
- The field has 2 balls on the field throughout the dunk. If one of the balls is turned into a goal, it reappears after a short period of time.
- The resulting bonus balls are worth 3 points.
- The position of players is not reset when a goal is scored. You keep playing.
- The rule of thumb: If one of the teams takes a 10-point lead, the game ends early.
- Busan adds new columns and the opportunity to slide on more walls.
- Sydney
Lucioball Updates
- Ym now in the air, you can bend over and be thrown to the ground
- Lucio’s waiting times are much lower.
- Lucio’s thrust and punch ranges increased.
- Lucio’s moving a little faster.
- The surfaces throw players a little higher.
- The controller now vibrances when thegol is discarded.
- The rule of thumb: If one of the teams takes a 5-point lead, the game ends early.
Fed tasks
- In addition to the rewards you normally get by playing Overwatch, you can earn sprays, gamer icons, and an epic costume that will remain in the game for a limited time when you complete these missions in The Quick Game, Competitive Game, and Arcade modes
- 1:
- 3 Win Games | Baseballmari Player Icon
- 6 Win Games | Union Jack Spray
- 9 Win Games | Union Jack Tracer Epic Costume
- 2:
- 3 Win Games | Golfmari Player Icon
- 6 Win Games | Sand Castle Spray
- 9 Win Games | Sand Castle Bastion Epic Costume
- 3:
- 3 Win Games | Surfimari Player Icon
- 6 Win Games | Ice Cream Spray
- 9 Win Games | Ice Cream Orisa Epic Costume
Yeas cosmetics
- This year’s Summer Olympics will include 5 new Legendary Costumes (Tropical Baptiste, Lifeguard Pharah, Feskarn Brigitte, Karate Doomfist, Surfer Echo) and 3 new Epic Costumes.
- In addition to the Mission for The Day awards, the new cosmetics include 2 show animations, 1 e-expression, 3 poses, 7 player icons, and 2 sprays.
Watch 2020 Summer Olympics promotional video here: