Blizzard first showed the highly anticipated Junker Queen character at the Summer Game Fest held recently. Junker Queen, who has been the most curious character of the players since the story of the map called Junkertown was revealed, finally came up with his talents.
The filmmakers describe the Junker Queen as an “aggressive tank”. So instead of more team-playing characters like Reinhardt, Junker Queen will be at the forefront and show his dominance. Our new character, who shows his aggressive nature with his abilities, will injure his opponents by causing more damage than usual with his close attack. Wounded enemies will not be able to take lives until this debuff passes.
Junker Queen, who can throw the same knife away, will be able to attract opponents who have been hit by the knife to him with his knife. So he’ll be able to bring his opponent into melee range and deal damage. Our Queen will make a way in front of her with her ulti named Rampage and apply damage and injury effects to her prominent opponents.