ReedPOP announced in a statement that PAX South has been cancelled and it is unclear whether the event will return. Organizers cited the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of growth in the event as the reason for the cancellation.
Other PAX events have consistently increased the number of participants, some even attracting hundreds of thousands of people from around the world, but PAX South has not improved since 2015 and remains almost identical in number of participants, readPOP says. That must have broken their enthusiasm.
“When the first PAX was held in 2004, we thought that up to 100 local participants would stop by. We couldn’t see the future of more than 3,000 passionate fans in even our wildest dreams,” the message continues, “the story of ReedPOP having to make this difficult decision.
The first PAX South was held in San Antonio. This event attracted more indie developers, and so this news has disappointed players and small developers.
The statement sounds as if one day pax south could be arranged again if conditions arise, but for now we can say that this event has been suspended.