Not to mention the worldwide patients of Pokemon, which Nintendo feasts on in every game. With the release of the brand’s latest game Legends: Arceus, numerous Pokemon Trainers began pokemon hunting with their steam Poketops. Some mistakes in the game have become truly infuriating, especially since it is necessary to catch each Pokemon more than once, especially with the manually held Pokedex. With the latest update released, a major problem to complete Pokedex has also been eliminated.
Fixed the percentage of pokemon named Cherrim in lonely spring with update 1.02. Under normal circumstances, all Pokemon have their own percentage of captures. Although with Arceus, these percentages were slightly changed, making the situation easier, similar percentages were maintained. The mistake in Cherrim made Pokemon unattainable and elevated him to the rank of a legendary Pokemon. Finally, with 1.02, this issue is resolved.
Some players said they spent three hours trying to catch just one Cherrim. It may seem pointless for an outsider, but at one point it was very frustrating for players who entered the world of Pokemon and said ,I’m going to catch them all!” I hope Game Freak will make the necessary efforts to correct other bugs in the game in the future.