Kim Swift, the portal’s chief designer, has joined Xbox Game Studios. Swift’s role has been described as “accelerating innovation and collaborating with independent studios to develop games for the cloud,” according to Xbox Game Studios’ Twitter account.
Born in 1983, Kim Swift presented valve, the portal-based game that she and several friends developed, gabe newell, who was very impressed with the game, personally offered them a job, and portal, one of the most famous and best games in the history of the game, appeared. Kim Swift was both the leader and chief division designer of the Portal team.
After Swift Portal, he worked on other Valve projects. Also in the development role were Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2.
In 2014, she joined Amazon Swift; in 2017, she joined Electronic Arts as design director at Motive Studios. He later became director of game design at Stadia Games & Entertainment, the development studio of Google Stadia. He worked on Amy Hennig’s cancelled Star Wars play Ragtag; and later star wars battlefront 2. You see, he’s a name that’s been circulating the big players of the industry one by one.