After the release of The Batman, dark themed comic book adaptations began to resurfaced. Spawn, a masterpiece in the comic book part of the business, is among the characters waiting his turn. Especially when it comes to box office success with the Joker on 18+ adaptations, we can look forward to the future for Spawn.
Spawn creator Todd McFarlane said the film Spawn, which he’s been trying to make for a long time, is under construction. Describing the film’s development process as “warm and heavy,” the grandmaster asked fans to be a little more patient. McFarlane’s statement reads:
We don’t yet have any official details about the Spawn film, which McFarlane will direct for the first time. Master Todd, who undoubtedly has a great bond with the character, is aware of this and is trying to make the best possible film. But it’s really frustrating when he sends fans empty-handed after saying “something’s going on” every time.
I don’t think there’s going to be much middle of the movie at this point. Either we’re going to see a masterpiece comic book adaptation directly from its creator, led by McFarlane, or the film will go down in terms of both box office and reviews. We look forward to the official release date of spawn.