PUBG will be free. Pubg team Kraftonannounced the announcement in a video at The Game Awards 2021, which took place earlier this morning.
If you want to play PUBG in Ranked mode, which will fall into the category of free games from January 12th, you will still have to pay.
PUBG free, Ranked mode paid
Pubg was sold for $30 in a free environment where competitors in the same category (Battle Royale) – such as Apex Legends and Fortnite – were free. While the game is still popular, the days of PUBG being the only large-scale Battle Royale in the environment are over. Especially after fortnite’s extraordinary success, krafton, the game’s producer, seems to have made such a decision to re-revolt his games.
Apart from ranked mode, custom game modes and in-game cosmetics will continue to be paid. While PUBG’s decision on ranked modes is open to controversy, the cheating may have been taken as a precaution against its users. A player may have to think twice before saying “I’ll open an account again” in a system where they will have to pay each time.
Krafton’s new game Thunder Tier One was recently released.