Quantum Error, described as a game of “cosmic horror”, was announced in 2020. Quantum Error, a game that can be played from both a first and third-person camera, was developed with the Unreal 5 engine. The game, which has not been heard from for some time, came to light again with a new trailer:
The statement shared with the new trailer summed up the story of the game. The Monad Quantum research facility, located about 30 miles off the coast of San Francisco, is being attacked by an unknown structure, and the facility is engulfed in flames and quarantined. When a distress call is made to the Garboa Fire Department, Fire Chief Sturgis is sending our character Jacob Thomas, his partner Shane Costa and another crew member to the Monad facility. Our task initially seemed very simple: to rescue as many people as possible from the burning complex and evacuate the center. But, as you can imagine, things are going wrong, and when we get to the facility, we realize that things aren’t what they seem. Then everything goes dark.
Quantum Error, a game about “fear of the unknown”, will meet gamers this year. A clear release date has not yet been announced, but it is said to be “very soon.” We’ll see how close it is in the coming period.