Quentin Tarantino, who gifted films such as Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Django Unchained to the world of cinema, has spent the last 3 years empty. Tarantino, who recently experienced the joy of becoming a father for the third time, has given a completely different perspective to this process. The successful director, who said that he spent a lot of time with his son, started to look at British affairs with a different eye during this period.
Quentin Usta, who also announced the most successful job that has come out of Britain in the last 10 years, is obviously influenced by his son. Because according to a name that has left its mark on cinema throughout his career, a very entertaining choice has emerged, “As a matter of fact, I love Peppa Pig very much. I watch a lot. I can say that Peppa Pig is the best job that has come out of Britain in the last decade.” Tarantino put us all in the opposite corner. Of course, spending time with her children has an undeniable share in this choice.
Another interesting part is that Quentin Tarantino’s son has only seen a movie so far. Tarantino, who said that they finished Despicable Me 2 by taking frequent parking breaks, did not find this choice of his son Leo strange. There was no need to give the child the shock of Kill Bill from a young age. Let’s see the master director who is currently writing the screenplay for the third film in Kill Bill, Once Upon a Time in… What movie will it come up with after Hollywood?