The release date of the new Rainbow spin-off Rainbow Six Extraction may have changed again. The Rainbow Six Extraction postponement was previously announced and the game will be released in January 2022. The gaming site VGC, in an article published yesterday, noticed that Ubisoft had updated Rainbow Six Extraction’s website and that the game’s exact release date was January 20.
Rainbow Six Extraction release date January 20, 2022
The exact release date of Rainbow Six Extraction, a co-op and story game whose release turns into a snake story, is now set, January 20, 2022. The game will be released on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Ubisoft Store and Epic Games Store.
In Rainbow Six Extraction, you’ll choose from 18 operators and fight against earth-invading creatures on one of 12 different maps. The game (of course) will pass in the United States and we will fight in states like New York and San Francisco.
Rainbow Six Extraction will be all PVE (computer versus player) themed instead of PVP this time, with up to three players in total playing co-ops. The story-driven version of the game, which has been going on as PVP with Rainbow Six Siege for quite some time, can be interesting.