There must be some people who remember the Syphon Filter series, which was popular at the time. The first Syphon Filter debuted for PlayStation in 1999. Then came games 2 and 3, followed by The Omega Strain and Dark Mirror, followed by Logan’s Shadow in 2007. It is possible to say that it is a series that has been dormant for a long time; Except for days gone’s connection to this series.
Are > Days Gone and Syphon Filter Set in the Same Universe?
According to the information shared by Gematsu; This silence seems to end with the arrival of game 4 of the series (Syphon Filter, Syphon Filter 2, Dark Mirror and Logans’ Shadow) on PS4 and PS5. These 4 games appear to be rated for PS4 and PS5 in G.Korea.
I don’t know why Syphon Filter 3 and Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain aren’t on the list. But it is thought that these four games can be included in the new PS Plus system under the heading “popular classic games” that will be given with Premium membership, which I think makes sense.
There will be an official announcement about these games very soon. Considering that we will move to the new PS Plus subscription system in a few months; And they won’t be holding up much longer on the release date, don’t you think?