Red Dead Redemption 2 mode, created by a Nexus mod user by combining and compiling different modes and quickly becoming popular, opens up the out-of-reach Mexican region to gamers. The Mexican region, which is an important part of the story of Red Dead Redemptionand is open, is not used in the second game. But of course, there have been previous ones who have crossed into the Mexican region using certain vulnerabilities in Red Dead Online and the one-man version of the game.
Red Dead Redemption 2 mode pack is becoming popular with gamers
Since the release of Red Dead Redemption 2, different mod makers have been adding Mexico to the game piece by piece. The mod maker Siemreaper created a “Giant Mexican Mode” by combining the megapack it installed on Nexus Mods with the Mexican modes that have been developed separately for years, so to speak.
Siemreaper’s collection combines different modes of mod makers such as RedMaxBR, SergeantJoe, AClassySliceOfToast. The aforementioned modes include different features, from rewriting certain settings of the game to a bridge that will allow you to move to the Mexican region.
If you are curious about the Mexican region and decide to download this mode, you have a detail to keep in mind. Although this mode opens up a long-curious place to players, it may not contain “real gameplay”, after all, it is only a combination of different modes.