Vitor Maccari posted a remake of The Legend of Zelda Wind Wakerwith Unreal Engine, released on December 13, 2002, on his personal YouTube channel. In the one-minute video, he made us think it was real when it turned out to be a great visual. The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, released in 2002, would probably have been as visual as in this video if it were to be rebuilt in HD for today.
Remake with The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Unreal Engine
While the video of the game, which was recreated by a fan, looks amazing, vitor Maccari, the person who designed the video, has a description:
“This is my first personal project when using Unreal Engine. I made the video for educational purposes and, of course, for fun. I reused some 3D objects and animations from a short film I made a few months ago. I also modeled some new objects like grass, palm trees and rocks. I did the handheld camera moves with my DSLR camera. Then, while I was following the shots I made using Nuke, I transferred them to Unreal.”
In the gaming world, we have often come across remakes made by fans with Unreal Engine. We first saw a Superman video with Unreal Engine 5 that looked amazing. Later, a fan-generated CS GO Remake appeared. Now we come across a remake of The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, which is purely for educational and entertainment purposes. Vitor Maccari‘s one-minute Wind Waker video can be found below.