Originally released in 1995 for Super Famicom and remade in 2010, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together is a tactical role-playing game that is considered one of the best examples of its kind. There has been talk for a long time that a remaster version of this game will be released, and we can say that we are closer to it than ever.
Following the changes in PlayStation Store, the PS Deals site captured the PS4 and PS5 versions under the name Tactics Ogre: Reborn. A trademark application was filed for the name of the game in April, and in June, it was seen and removed from PlayStation Store for a short time. This time, the list includes both the description of the game and screenshots.
The game is based on the 2010 version, and includes improved graphics and sound, as well as an updated game design. “The unique character and background details of the original Tactics Ogre have been recreated in HD,” it says.
The cutscenes in the play will be fully voiced, and the music has been re-recorded with a live performance.