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The Resident Evil PC update has been withdrawn. The next generation console updates planned for Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 7 were recently released and brought Ray Tracking support and advanced 3D audio support to the game, but this caused the system requirements of the aforementioned games to increase significantly on PC.
Resident Evil PC update withdrawn, players who want it will still be able to install it
The performance problems experienced by users after the sudden increasing system requirements and updates of the games attracted the great reaction of PC players. That’s why many PC gamers have called on Capcom to return to the old versions of the games. In the article placed on the Steam page of the games, the company stated that the old versions of the games were reopened “after intense demand from the community”.
Capcom has explained item by item what needs to be done to convert the games to their old versions:
-Open the LIBRARY on Steam platform
-Right-click on the game and click “Properties”
-On the screen that opens, click on the “BETAS” option
-Go down the menu and select “”dx11_non-rt”” (Note: you don’t need to enter a password
-Close the pop-up screen and wait for Steam to update the game automatically
-When the update is complete, we expect you to open the game without any problems
-This may then reset some of your in-game settings
If you want to withdraw the game to its renewed state, it will be enough to select “None” from the line in the 4th article.