Among the lines of Capcom’s report, released on October 29, is resident evil village free DLC. Capcom had reached sales figures and revenue that were set to become one of the most successful gaming studios of 2021, behind RE: Village. Following Village’s success, capcom was said to be able to put more emphasis on the PC platform. The page of capcom’s 2021 reportstates that the firm’s “free DLC system for Resident Evil Village and Monster Hunter World is on the table.”
Resident Evil Village can get free DLCler
We do not yet have detailed information on the free content (or content) mentioned. Capcom, however, hinted in June that resident evil: village’s first DLC was being studied, and later made no secret of it. Therefore, the possibility is that the DLC in question may also be free.
There has been no new announcement about the Village in the Halloween queue, and Capcom remains silent on the issue. It is not yet known whether the expected Resident Evil: Village DLC will be content with making small additions to the game (such as adding a new level of difficulty) or comprehensive content to add new weapons, territory, and more to the game.